The term Hippie Dippie is far more than what others think to be “out there.” I think it’s more of “what’s in there.” You, your body, your surroundings are far more capable of sensing, providing, and preforming than you know. Genesis 1:29-31 What’s the saying, “knowledge is power?” Let my holistic market be a place to start and shop small, shop smart.
When switching products, the options are good, better and best. I want to offer all 3! All we can do is try to do better. Best isn’t required. Small changes, one by one, make a big impact in your home and health of yourself and your family.

Bringing to the Llano and Hill Country Community!
Brands in Store:
Rowe Casa Organics
Calamity Janes Farm
Herb to Body
Purity Coffee
Poppi Prebiotic Soda
Earth & Star
Young Living
Plant People
Roots to Remedies
Saint & Company
Friendly Patch CO

“Oh, there she goes with that Hippitty Dippitty stuff again!” - My dad.
It all started with becoming a mom to my now, sweet three-year-old, Landry. It can be funny how you care significantly less about yourself, but have a child, and now I must know all the things! Covid 2020 had just hit, next was Snowvid 2021 and fear was ruining my life.
I began educating myself on a mission to know all things health and how to be prepared to protect my family in the gifted role of motherhood that I was given. Words like crunchy, organic, homesteader, survivalist came up but did not label me. They still don’t label me. Labeling means you are one thing. I am called to be many and meet people where they are. 1 Corinthians 9:20 I want to be holistic, but also realistic. I love making my own sourdough, but I will not turn down chips and salsa with a frozen margarita.
Starting this journey, no one in my circle cared about the word organic, what castor oil can do for you, or why I simply question the things we have blindly made repetition for our whole lives. They love me through it, they respect it (most times), and when I’m called to be needed... I am right there with gratitude.
I want to do the same for my community. It’s my dad, my boyfriend, and my circle’s unwavering support, unconditional love, and belief in me that got this bus here. I would love for you to join in on my journey!
Follow along on Facebook and Instagram to let Hippie Dippie Holistic Market teach you a few things!